
Mission Livelihood

  • The youth comprises over one-third of the Indian population which in turn constitutes a major part of the labour force of the country. The number of underprivileged youth in India who lacks education and proper guidance is so huge that according to the reports of the Financial Express only 15% of the young graduates passing out of colleges are employable; the rest are branded unemployable. It is not their lack of theoretical knowledge that causes this. Instead, it is the lack of right skills and attitude.
  • There is thus, an increasing concern among the leading employers of the country, about the dearth of ready-to-deliver employees. In addition, the macro perspective affirms that, it is crucial for the energy of the underprivileged youth to be channelized properly with proper direction to aid economic growth and nation building to elude their addition to family woes, social stress and national misery.
  • RAHI Twin E- learning Programme (STeP) is such an initiative of RAHI Education and Charitable Trust that aims at creating a pool of young and independent people, from a section of underprivileged youth, through skill enhancement in tandem with market requirements. It is an effort towards bridging the gap between demand and supply of skilled manpower in the fast emerging services and retail sectors of modern India.
  • This national level programme trains the urban underprivileged youth in English Proficiency, Basic Computer Education and Soft Skills for enhancing their prospects of employment in the fast expanding retail, hospitality and BPO sectors.
  • So far, 47,000 youth have been trained and 28,000 have been placed in over 200 brands through 95 operational projects across India.

Events & Activities

Career Counseling session conducted

Counseling sessions were conducted in centers of Vadodara. A total of 41 career counseling sessions were held. Interaction with youth on personality development, soft skills and their future career was done by personnel from various organizations. Sessions were taken up on development of confidence, facing interviews, decision making & to take jobs in their field of interest. The sessions helped in motivating these students to go forth with different career choices.

Certificate distribution cum experience sharing programme conducted

We welcomed all the guests, learners, staff and all the participants who have attended the program. Some successfully placed candidates who were also present at the event shared their experiences with the audience which was highly appreciated by the guests. While addressing the audience, Mr. Divyendra Rathod Sir stressed the importance of being computer literate and the ablility to communicate in English to avail better job opportunities.

Exposure visit conducted for the Students

Over Learing Program is an attempt to help underprivileged youth to gain employment in various sectors and hence monthly exposure visits are conducted for the students to let them gain a firsthand experience of what it is like in a work place. Recent visits were conducted to various retail sectors for the students of Hyderabad STeP centers and they were accompanied by their instructors. A total of 6 visits were conducted which helped the students gain a wide range of knowledge.

Exposure Visit for Retail Training at Retail Outlet

They visited different sections of the mall like Clothing Section, Food Bar, CCD, Lifestyle etc. He briefed about the retail and sales management and also shared the different types of selling techniques. He also explained about the job description and opportunities of job in this sector.After during the visit students were very encouraged and motivated through the outcomes of the visit and students were able to understand the procedure of work and were able to clarify their doubts about what exactly is needed to get a job at the retail sector.

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